How do I get my email signature on my IPhone?

Do you have an iPhone? If so, you’re in luck!

There is a way of adding your Signature directly to the mail app that is on your phone and sends your branding out even when you’re on the move!

First things first, make sure you have your email setup through the Apple Mail app. That is the standard Mail app that comes on the phone, and looks like this:



Once you have determined you are using the right app, lets get your Signature setup!

  1. Apple requires text above your signature, so add your closing above your signature. Usually, the close is something like “thank you”, “best”, ect.. Send yourself a test message from your computer using your Signature and check it on your phone.
  2. Click and hold down your finger just above the Signature, and it’ll pop up a bunch of options. Choose “Select” and drag the cursor so the blue highlights the entire Signature.
  3. Once it’s fully selected, tap the highlighted area once and you’ll see the options appear again. Select “Copy”.
  4. Now we just need to paste it into the settings! Go to your home screen and go to Settings > Mail > Signature
  5. Delete everything inside and tap once to pull up those options again. Hit “Paste”!

That’s it!

Now back all the way out and create an email. You’ll see your Signature pop right in!


When I try to copy and paste my new signature as instructed, I am only getting a piece of it. What gives?

You just got your installation instructions for your Stationery products…yay! Whether you are using a webmail program like Gmail to check your emails, or a desktop version of Outlook, one step that they both have in common is the need to get your new Signature copied and pasted directly into the settings!

But when you attempt to do what the instructions say and copy the entire signature in order to paste, you are only getting one piece of it not the entire Signature with all the links. What gives?

Don’t worry, your Signature is not broken 🙂 With the new ways the browsers are trying to streamline the layout and keep things seamless and clean, its no longer as simple as going up to the menu and going Edit > Select All and then Edit > Copy. Each browser does things a different way now, so here is a breakdown, per browser, to copy and paste cleaning and correctly the first time.

Google Chrome

  1. Open up your new Signature directly in your Chrome Browser.
  2. With your cursor, highlight to select your entire signature.
    Make sure you get it all!
  3. Next, go up and click on the 3 horizontal lines or dots in the top right hand corner of Google Chrome. This will drop down a menu and you will see under the Edit Category an area to select “Copy”. This will ensure that you have copied all of the images and code correctly!

Hint: If you are more familiar with using your computer, you can also hit CTRL+C on your PC (or Command+C on a MAC) directly on your keyboard instead).

Mozilla Firefox

  1. CopyScreenFromFFOpen up your new Signature directly in your Firefox Browser.
  2. With your cursor, highlight to select your entire signature.
    Make sure you get it all!
  3. Next, right click OVER any part of the highlighted area and a dropdown menu will come up. You’ll see two options: Copy and Copy Image. Please make sure that you select Copy to ensure that you copy the entirety of the signature that was selected, and do not select Copy Image as this will only copy the piece of the Signature in which you are currently hovered over.

Hint: If you are more familiar with using your computer, in lieu of the right click over the graphics to copy the file, you can also hit CTRL+C on your PC (or Command+C on a MAC) directly on your keyboard instead).

Gmail Signature Setup!

So you’ve purchased the Email Signature and worked with our amazing team of designers to get it completely custom designed to match your branding. How exciting is that? Step one is completed and now it’s time to actually put it to use! Now what?

Here’s are some step by step instructions to do so:

Gmail Signature Installation Instructions

1) Once the file has been completed, you’ll be able to find the link to your Signature within your account settings or it was emailed to you when your proof was approved and finalized. Click on the link and it’ll open up in your web browser of choice.


2) With your cursor, highlight to select your entire signature. Next, hit CTRL+C on your PC (or Command+C on a MAC) on your keyboard to copy the entire file.

3) Next, open up your Gmail email account.

4) Click on the gray gear icon in the top right hand corner of Gmail and go to Settings.

5) Once you are in your settings, scroll down to the Signature area and paste in the Signature images we just copied. Check the box that says “

Hit Save Changes at the bottom and that should save your Signature for easy access when you are composing an email in Gmail from any computer.





Need help resetting your Email Signature password?

You’ve made it this far! Your Stationery has been purchased, your beautiful design has been created and….

(insert screeching breaks)…what is your password?!

During the design process, your proofs go directly to your email to review so you may not have had to login to your account up until this point. Don’t worry, we’ve got an easy fix for that! Click here to get a new password sent to your email.

Once you get your new password, please go back to that login screen and sign in using your email address and that temporary password you were emailed. Once you are logged in, on the left hand side you will see a link that says “Change Password”. Put in your old one, create a new one that you’ll remember and voila! Password Reset. Pat yourself on the back, that’s one thing you can remove from your To-Do List!

Helpful Hint: Please keep in mind that the password reset is case sensitive and requires just letters and numbers. It will not accept any passwords with characters in it!